GC not only lacks tact, he misses two hints AND a sarcastic warning:
"Just Say Yes" by Nancy Reagan? Pretty sure that was sarcasm, since she said the opposite. But GC missed it--probably searching for a spellcheck function he never discovered. Oh, and btw GC: nice work demolishing someone else's beliefs.
EH is oblivious to what is going on, and chooses to call AS out publicly when the status is clearly obscure--probably, one would assume, for a reason. But LJ trumps that oblivion with tactlessness. Et voila! Our first double-ass post.
Ummm...so...yeah. Hey, TMPM? If you want to get in touch with MD, you might want to do it on their page, not on the page of a third party. Or not--I'm sure C wants to read your opinion, too.
No amount of ranting and raving seems to be as effective in venting the idiocy of knee-jerk commenting on social networking sites as sharing them with someone else who appreciates the sheer lack of manners required to fire off these little insensitive quips.
Do you have one you want to share? Please send it to us and we will put it up. Please replace names with initials to protect the innocent (and the guilty).